openFleet Strategic & Tactical Plan View

Based on the historic data and forecast volumes, our Strategic & Tactical Planning solution would simulate and create your perfect route templates according to a range of events such as seasonal fluctuations, new products, required vehicle fleet, new depot location and more.

Optimal Depot Siting

With our Strategic Planning module, find the best depot location to minimise delivery effort.

Re-Districting Multi-Depot Service

Analyse and optimise areas between depot.

Dynamic Route Template

Microzone layouts are built up dynamically according to volume load and by respecting all your constraints. Fixed routing templates may not be flexible enough to handle daily volume fluctuations. With the dynamic approach, avoid having more resources than jobs on certain operational days.

Reduce Number of Vehicle

The routing engine determines the least number of routes and resources necessary to route the forecasted data.

Configure Resource Template

Configure future resource profiles per weekday including, start/end time, duty time, break time, overtime, start/end location and much more. 

Routing Parameters and Constraints

Set shift durations; start/end times; start/end locations; break time modelling; depot timings and capacity and more.

Historical Data

Analyse all your historical data per areas and depots.

Manual Interventions

Manual edit (inflate or reduce), add or delete historical data and  forecasted volumes. 

Forecasted Data

Based on historical data loaded, predict the  forecast volumes for specific or all microzones.

Intelligently Select Stop

Based on your historical data, we capture the perfectly forecasted layout.

What if Scenario

Create various saved plans, with different forecasted volumes and choose the perfect tactical plan closest to the operational day.

Template Day

Commit and push your tactical plan and resources for a specific operational day.

Resource Dashboards

Get a summary on total distance, work time, stop time, driving time, and more.

CSV Uploader

Data can be loaded and overwritten through a file.

No Overlaps

Create your plan with no microzones overlaps.

High Flexibility Modelling

Fine tune to perfectly meet your business operations.


Visualize all data on the maps.

KPI Dashboard

Determine the best use of plans for different days of the week.